"Not only have my lessons with Deanna been fun, but I have gained so much confidence in my singing..."”

Studio Policies  


Lesson Options  

Lessons are available at 30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minute time slots. Lesson times are  determined based on student and teacher availability and agreement.   

Parent Involvement  

Lessons are often a three-way agreement between teacher, student and parent. It is difficult for  a student to succeed in lessons if the parents are not positively involved. Parents are welcome  to observe lessons, but they are not required to. If a parent chooses to observe a lesson, please  participate in the lesson only as an observer. Students can become confused and can lose focus  and interest if lessons are interrupted by comments and questions. Parents are encouraged to  ask questions and to understand their child’s responsibility in lessons, but communication with  the teacher needs to take place either before or after the lesson, not during.  

Practice Time  

Daily practice is essential for any student’s growth and lesson profitability. If a student chooses  to not practice during the week then the teacher reserves the right to cancel the lesson if the  student is unprepared. The amount of practice time is not regulated, but the student should at  least be able to complete the tasks assigned to them from the previous lesson. Students are  encouraged to practice at least 30 to 60 minutes 5 day per week. Younger students are allowed  to practice 15 minutes 5 days a week.  

Attendance and Make-up Lessons  

If a student needs to cancel a lesson they need to contact the teacher no later than 24 hours before their scheduled lesson time. If the teacher is contacted on time then the lesson will be  rescheduled at a different time that is appropriate for both student and teacher. If the teacher  is not contacted in the requested time then the lesson will be canceled without any make-up  lesson. If the teacher needs to cancel the lesson for any reason, a make-up lesson will be  scheduled as soon as possible for both teacher and student. If a make-up lesson is not possible  then the payment for that lesson will be reimbursed.  

Lesson Payment  

Payment for lessons will be taken month-to-month. At the first lesson of each month the  payment for that following month is due either by cash or check. A receipt will be given for  each payment made. If the payment is not provided at the first lesson of each month then the  

teacher reserves the right to cancel lessons until payment is made. If payments are consistently late then the teacher reserves the right to add a $10 penalty fee per unpaid lesson. Payments  are not refundable unless lessons are canceled due to teacher conflict or error.  

30 minute lesson - $30/hour  

45 minute lesson - $45/hour  

60 minute lesson - $50/hour